Year: 2023
de la Filarmónica de Nashville
Torbellino Musical: Fanfarrias, valses y el irresistible ritmo del ¡mambo!

(English version here: En la expresión innata de la condición humana, ¿qué surgió primero, la música o la danza? El misterio en este cuestionamiento donde todas las respuestas puedenRead More
At Play Dance Bar
Embracing a Queer Christmas: a review of Christmas Carol Circuit Party

A compelling parallel can be drawn between the era when Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol and Woven Theatre Company’s Christmas Carol Circuit Party. Already an internationally acclaimed literary celebrity andRead More
From Nashville Ballet
The MCR Interview: Mollie Sansone, resident choreographer for Nashville Ballet, discusses her work

A star on Nashville’s skyline since 2004, when she began her career with the Nashville Ballet, Mollie Sansone has had a remarkable career as a dancer, teacher, and choreographer. HerRead More